Employee Spotlight: Lacey Radabaugh

Employee Spotlights
Job Title: Loan Officer
Location: Bridgeport Branch
Tenure: 12 years
Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I was involved in 4-H from the time I was 10 years old until I aged out. I showed cattle and was part of the state winning forestry team in 2001. I also served in several different leadership positions while I was a member.
Briefly describe your involvement in FFA. I was an active FFA member. I was part of the Tyler FFA where I served as the Sentinel and Secretary. I competed in several different contests that included Agribusiness Management, Poultry Judging, Equine Judging, Forestry, Meats Evaluation, Parliamentary Procedure and my most favorite – Livestock Judging. I was also selected as a member of the National FFA Chorus for two years. I earned all of the FFA degrees – Greenhand, Chapter, State and American. I was selected as the Regional Star Farmer when I received my State Degree.
Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. I grew up on a beef cattle farm where we raised and showed Registered Angus cattle. My dad grew up on the same farm showing horned Herefords. Our family owned and operated a Southern States store until after my grandparents passed away and the store was eventually sold. I started showing cattle when I was 10 years old and have been doing it ever since. I met my husband through showing cattle. My husband and I live on the family farm where we continue to raise Registered Angus cattle and a small group of commercial cows.
Are you involved in any other clubs or organizations? I am a member of the American Angus Association, West Virginia Angus Association and West Virginia Cattleman's Association.
Tell us about your family. My husband, Josh, and I have been married for over 18 years. We have one border collie, Pip. We spend lots of time working on the farms together and going to cattle shows.

What's your favorite family recipe? I have 2 favorite family recipes: my mom's mashed potatoes and my father-in-law's oyster cakes.
Tell us about your pets. In addition to the cows, we have a border collie named Pip, who will be two years old on Valentine’s Day. She’s quite the little helper!

What is your favorite type of music? I’m a well-rounded individual when it comes to music. I like all genres!
What is your favorite quote or line from a movie? My favorite movie is anything with Adam Sandler.
What is your favorite season? My favorite season is fall.
Tell us about your hobbies. I like to show cattle and farm. I also love to collect quilts.

What is your favorite place you've ever visited? My favorite place I ever visited was the Fort Worth Stock Show.
What was your dream job as a child? When I was little, I wanted to be a mechanic, but as I got older and started middle school, I wanted to be a veterinarian.
What is your favorite thing about Farm Credit? My favorite thing about Farm Credit is the members that we serve and the people I work with.